
“Academic knowledge provides information about the world, but yogic knowledge awards us eternal liberation.”

How can I properly de-stress? How can I  be happy all the time? How can I tap into my inner sense? How can I make the mind my best friend? How can I experience the power of yoga?

The answers to these questions and many more can be found in the Inner Yoga pack, which consists of 7 books on:

– Mindful, healthy cooking and eating that elevates the mind.
– The power of vibration in the form of potent prayers.
– The secrets of the ancient Vedas and how to apply them for a successful and happy life.
– Perfect questions and perfect answers on how to get free from all doubts and blockages.
– The secrets of mantra meditation and how to apply them for inner peace, calm and serenity.
– The concept of travelling to other planets via meditation.

With free shipping in the UK, and a free set of mantra meditation beads with every pack!

A complementary course from the School of Bhakti entitled Inner Arjuna is included with this pack, scheduled to be held in January 2023. Further details will be sent via email in January.